11 February 2008

Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)

It had to happen: to compensate those good movies in the past weeks today I found a really bad one. Remember it's title, really, don't forget, otherwise you will give a worthless chance just I did.

To save my keyboard and nerves only the facts: The Croatian Goran Dukic's film is about a guy, who attempted suicide because of his girlfriend. After a while he got to know that the girl committed suicide as well, so he decides to find her. During his trip he meets another girl (my only point goes to Shannyn Sossamon, but not honor her artistic talent..). The rest (love / meet the previous girlfriend / hate) you found out already, except one thing (spoiler coming for those who are still reading:). The film plays with the most cheapest trick: at the very end we realize that the whole shit story was the guy's dream in the hospital after his wristcutting. Let's start to vomit, because Shannyn is lying next to him on another bed...

Somebody wrote on the imdb that the Wristcutters is a mixture of Trainspotting and Donnie Darko. Wish I could laugh after this film, but this statement is even more stupid than the film itself, which is a typical independent gloomy boredom without any cinematic values.

Some near-death experience story which made me sink to the same level. Worthless.
