24 July 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

[Ok, the holiday is over, bobbyperu is back, but I tell you already now that my future entries won't be as frequent as they were before. I'm busy - no more words about it.]

But the return should be impressive, and wouldn't be more effective in 2008 summer than to write SPOILERFREE about the best movie ever (according to imdb, today). I tell you something immediately. It can be your best movie (ever:), but it isn't mine for sure. It is a very good movie, but not the best I've ever seen, definitely, moreover I won't give 10 points for it because of the following reasons.

Prudently sayin' "the less sometimes more." I understand that if you want to be the best you need to give more, I mean more than usual. More action, more drama, more surprise, more emotions, more moral. But what happens if you have a chance to enter a sweet-shop without any limitation of eat cakes? You gonna be sick after a while. I came out from the cinema, biked home and during the trip I felt myself dizzy, the effectively rolling soundtrack looped continously in my head and I was watching constantly around from where Batman will suddenly appear and save me (at the last moment of course) from some until now hidden danger.

Secondly. The Batman Begins is a better one and I tell you why. I just watched it again two days ago to prepare the today's screening. I remembered the story very well, but what is more important, I remembered the feeling after first time watching it. It was a real revelation in terms of a resurrection of a genre. Before of that film from comic books were wether some kind of salute of their original materials, or some childish fantasies with a story deeply rooted in the Hollywood action film genre. And then came Nolan, one of the biggest talent in the contemporary film business (I swear I told this already after his Memento (which is a better movie for me than the TDK)), and stylishly crossed all these saint rules. He (re)created Batman for the original fans and for a non-comicbook fans (just like me) too, he balanced the mentioned childish fantasies with a realistic moral story, he found equilibrium between seriousness and irony, genre rules and reflexion of the these rules, between imagined and real. The TDK has all of this without any doubt. Moreover it gives all these balanced values more intensified than ever. But doesn't give something else beyond this. Doesn't give the same mentioned striking feeling what the BB gave in 2005.

But what it gives then? Let's go through some details, start with the most important according to the film's unbelievable hype: Heath Ledger. Some of the enthusiastic fans claim already a posthumous Oscar which feelings - be realistic - are coming from the sad death of an otherwise really talented acter. Ledger's Joker is perfect, just as good as Nicholson's was in 1989. For those who are seriously debatting over this question I would say that Nicholson's Joker was representing perfectly a threat according to 1989, and Ledger's terroristic Joker gives a perfect example of our current "enemies." I hope I don't need to detail this further. Back to Ledger, he is good, I mean absolutely bad, rotten and cruel. He is perfect just as other 10 other actor and actress every year waiting for their Oscar statues. If he gets it's ok with me. We'll see, what we already see is how the cult shapes its form...

About the screenplay. Actually I gave my opinion about it with the candy-shop metaphor, but let's emerge one very important detail. The moral, more precise the moral of being a superhero. A superhero - derived from a comicbook - usually needs to have special physical abilites. Harder, better, faster, stronger. One of the biggest virtue of TDK is that it exposes, explains what it means exactly. His film is full with heroes, but only one superhero. Nolan builds up his film's moral from this simple but elementary difference. To be a superhero you need to be more than a simple hero (this evidence is explicitely appears in the film as I good remember), and in the TDK this difference, this more is not about a physical speciality at all. Already in the BB we had to face with the truth that superheroes aren't physically invulnerable. Now Nolan showed how morally vulnerable they are, when he questioned the essence of being a hero. Sometimes the real (super)heroes doesn't look like heroes... After this sentence I would step on the spoilers' paths which isn't my intention.

I won't read back what I wrote to ensure giving you the real first impressions' taste. Maybe my words sound a bit negative but if it is the case it must be because of the expectations which this time were so extremely high which couldn't be fulfilled. Just to make it right: TDK worths all the money you'll spend on it in the cinema; it will be one of the best movie in 2008. Not a question, watch it! (But don't be foolish so please don't clap after the screening. It seems the hype makes people follow some rituals which culminates in a ridiculous clap:)

"Why so serious?"
